PSII Reflection
I found our visit to PSII interesting, as I’ve never experienced a school environment like that. When I think of high school, I think of the traditional model as that’s what I’ve seen, observed, and experienced, and I’m glad I got the chance to broaden my perspective by visiting this school.
My favourite part of our visit was having an actual student tell us about her experience at PSII. I was shocked to find out she was in grade 9, as she spoke very maturely and all of her thoughts about the school that she shared with us were very well-articulated. Hearing her story, and how she was able to find a school system that worked for her, made me really happy. It’s nice to know there are options out there for all sorts of learners.
I don’t think I personally would have benefited from the high school environment that is PSII, mostly because the only part of school I actually enjoyed was band, but also because I lacked the skills to be self-motivated and truly didn’t mind being told what to study. I can think of several people in my life who WOULD benefit from this system though, and it brings me joy to know that it is out there and that learners are given the opportunity to be in a school that works for them.
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